
From Down Gilead Lane Wiki
Revision as of 09:27, 3 June 2022 by Scientific Guy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "→‎* * Scroll the sidebar with the rest of the content window * From authors Reddo (Mark Redekop) and Eugene (Matthew Bird) *: ( function( $ ) { var $body, $window, $sidebar, adminbarOffset, top = false, bottom = false, windowWidth, windowHeight, lastWindowPos = 0, topOffset = 0, bodyHeight, sidebarHeight, resizeTimer, secondary, button; function onResizeARIA() { /*if ( 955 > $window.width() ) { button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false...")
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 * Scroll the sidebar with the rest of the content window
 * From authors Reddo (Mark Redekop) and Eugene (Matthew Bird)
( function( $ ) {
	var $body, $window, $sidebar, adminbarOffset, top = false,
	    bottom = false, windowWidth, windowHeight, lastWindowPos = 0,
	    topOffset = 0, bodyHeight, sidebarHeight, resizeTimer,
	    secondary, button;
	function onResizeARIA() {
		/*if ( 955 > $window.width() ) {
			button.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
			secondary.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
			button.attr( 'aria-controls', 'secondary' );
		} else {
			button.removeAttr( 'aria-expanded' );
			secondary.removeAttr( 'aria-expanded' );
			button.removeAttr( 'aria-controls' );
	// Sidebar scrolling.
	function resize() {
		windowWidth = $window.width();

		if ( 955 > windowWidth ) {
			top = bottom = false;
			$sidebar.removeAttr( 'style' );

	function scroll() {
		var windowPos = $window.scrollTop();

		if ( 955 > windowWidth ) {

		sidebarHeight = $sidebar.height() + 20;
		windowHeight  = $window.height();
		bodyHeight    = $body.height();

		if ( sidebarHeight + adminbarOffset > windowHeight ) {
			if ( windowPos > lastWindowPos ) {
				if ( top ) {
					top = false;
					topOffset = ( $sidebar.offset().top > 0 ) ? $sidebar.offset().top - adminbarOffset : 0;
					$sidebar.attr( 'style', 'top: ' + topOffset + 'px;' );
				} else if ( ! bottom && windowPos + windowHeight > sidebarHeight + $sidebar.offset().top && sidebarHeight + adminbarOffset < bodyHeight ) {
					bottom = true;
					$sidebar.attr( 'style', 'position: fixed; bottom: 0; top: unset;' );
			} else if ( windowPos < lastWindowPos ) {
				if ( bottom ) {
					bottom = false;
					topOffset = ( $sidebar.offset().top > 0 ) ? $sidebar.offset().top - adminbarOffset : 0;
					$sidebar.attr( 'style', 'top: ' + topOffset + 'px;' );
				} else if ( ! top && windowPos + adminbarOffset < $sidebar.offset().top ) {
					top = true;
					$sidebar.attr( 'style', 'position: fixed;' );
			} else {
				top = bottom = false;
				topOffset = ( $sidebar.offset().top > 0 ) ? $sidebar.offset().top - adminbarOffset : 0;
				$sidebar.attr( 'style', 'top: ' + topOffset + 'px;' );
		} else if ( ! top ) {
			top = true;
			$sidebar.attr( 'style', 'position: fixed;' );

		lastWindowPos = windowPos;

	function resizeAndScroll() {

	$( document ).ready( function() {
		$body          = $( document.body );
		$window        = $( window );
		$sidebar       = $( '#mw-panel' ).first();
		adminbarOffset = $ '.admin-bar' ) ? $( '#wpadminbar' ).height() : 0;

			.on( 'scroll', scroll )
			/* .on( 'load', onResizeARIA ) */
			.on( 'resize', function() {
				clearTimeout( resizeTimer );
				resizeTimer = setTimeout( resizeAndScroll, 500 );
			} );
		$sidebar.on( 'click keydown', 'button', resizeAndScroll );


		for ( var i = 1; i < 6; i++ ) {
			setTimeout( resizeAndScroll, 100 * i );

		function injectStyles(rule) {
			var div = $("<div></div>", {
			  html: '&shy;<style>' + rule + '</style>'

		injectStyles('html { height: unset; } #mw-panel { padding-bottom: 20px; }');

	} );
} )( jQuery );